Darkest Dungeon

Curios Sheet - Darkest Dungeon

Unfortunatlely, the interactive curios sheet that was available on this page (and on the trinkets page) broke down by changing the new website design. The curios list is still here, but the interactive features and effects are gone!

Alchemy table

Alchemy table

Use the medicinal herbs or the torch

You find gold or gems x2 or receive +100 light!


  • 50% blight
  • 25% gold or gems x1
  • 25% nothing

Ancient coffin

Ancient coffin

Nothing to use

You find...

  • 50% gold or heirlooms x2
  • 33% nothing
  • 16% positive quirk

Altar of light

Altar of light

Use the holy water

Your hero receives a +30% DMG buff until next camp!


+20% DMG buff until next camp

Barnacle crusted chest

Barnacle crusted chest

Use the shovel

You find any loot x3!


  • 50% any loot x2
  • 25% bleed
  • 25% nothing




Or use the shovel if you'd like to give a hero +100 stress.


  • 67% positive quirk
  • 22% negative quirk
  • 11% disease

Beast carcass

Beast carcass

Use the medicinal herbs

You find food x2!


  • 43% food x1
  • 29% disease
  • 14% negative quirk
  • 14% nothing



Use the shovel

You find...

  • 67% gems or heirlooms x2
  • 33% any loot x1


  • 39% stress +15
  • 23% scouting
  • 15% any loot x2
  • 15% nothing
  • 8% disease

Bone altar

Bone altar

Nothing to use

Your hero receives a +15% DMG, +10 ACC and +5% CRT buff until next camp!



Skip! Otherwise...

  • 20% scouting
  • 20% stress +15
  • 20% journal entry
  • 20% nothing
  • 13% positive quirk
  • 7% negative quirk

Brackish tide pool

Brackish tide pool

Use the antivenom

Your hero recovers 5 HP or 5 stress!


  • 75% blight, bleed, disease and debuff +33% resistance
  • 25% disease

Confession booth

Confession booth

Use the holy water

Your hero recovers 30 stress!


  • 50% stress +15
  • 25% gold or trinket x6 + journal entry
  • 25% remove a negative quirk

Corrupted harvest

Corrupted harvest

Nothing to use

All heroes in the party recover 60 stress!

Damned fountain

Damned fountain

Use the holy water

Your hero recovers 30 stress!


  • 60% bleed
  • 20% disease
  • 20% any loot x2

Decorative urn

Decorative urn

Use the holy water

You find gems or trinkets x2 + gems x2!


  • 44% gems or trinket x1 + gems x2
  • 22% blight
  • 22% nothing
  • 11% disease

Dinner cart

Dinner cart

Use the medicinal herbs

You find food x3 and gold or trinket x1!


  • 38% food x1 and gold or trinket x1
  • 25% blight
  • 25% nothing
  • 13% disease

Eerie coral

Eerie coral

Use the medicinal herbs

Your hero gets rid of a negative quirk!


  • 50% stress -10
  • 25% stress +50
  • 25% nothing

Eerie spiderweb

Eerie spiderweb

Use the bandage

You find gold or gems x2 + gems or trinket x1!


  • 40% gold or gems x1 + gems or trinket x1
  • 40% nothing
  • 20% negative quirk

Fish carcass

Fish carcass

Use the medicinal herbs

You find gems or trinkets x2 + gems or gold x1!


  • 50% nothing
  • 17% gems or trinkets x1 + gems or gold x1
  • 17% disease
  • 11% blight
  • 6% bleed

Fish idol

Fish idol

Use the holy water

Your hero has 50% chance to receive +18% DMG until next camp!


  • 50% debuff -25% DMG and -10 ACC until next camp
  • 50% debuff -12 dodge until next camp

Forgotten delicacies

Forgotten delicacies

Use the medicinal herbs

You find food x2 + gold or supplies x1!


  • 20% gold or supplies x4 + supplies x1
  • 20% negative quirk
  • 20% blight
  • 20% disease
  • 20% nothing

Fresh harvest

Fresh harvest

Nothing to use

Your hero recovers 90% HP!

Giant oyster

Giant oyster

Use the shovel

You find gold or trinkets x3!


  • 40% gold or trinkets x2
  • 40% bleed
  • 20% nothing

Gleaming shards

Gleaming shards

Nothing to use

You find 5 to 15 comet shards!

Holy fountain

Holy fountain

Use the holy water

Your hero recovers 20 stress and 12 HP!


  • 50% recover 10 stress and 5 HP
  • 50% gold or gems x2

Hooded shrew

Hooded shrew

Use the blood

You find trinkets x2!


  • 43% stress +15
  • 29% any loot x1
  • 14% nothing
  • 8% disease

Iron maiden

Iron maiden

Use the medicinal herbs

You find any loot x2!


  • 40% any loot x2
  • 20% negative quirk
  • 20% disease
  • 20% nothing

Left luggage

Left luggage

Use the skeleton key or the antivenom

You find any loot x3!


  • 50% any loot x4 and journal entry
  • 50% blight

Locked display cabinet

Locked display cabinet

Use the skeleton key or the shovel

You find gold, gems or heirlooms x5 (key) or x4 (shovel)!


  • 50% blight
  • 50% bleed

Locked sarcophagus

Locked sarcophagus

Use the skeleton key or the shovel

You find gold, trinkets or heirlooms x3 (key) or x2 (shovel)!


  • 50% blight
  • 50% bleed

Makeshift dining table

Makeshift table

Use the medicinal herbs

You find food x2 and gold or supplies x1!


  • 25% food x1 and gold or supplies x1
  • 25% blight
  • 25% disease
  • 25% nothing



Nothing to use

You find a trinket or comet shards!

Miller's hearth

Miller's hearth

Nothing to use

Your party is able to set up camp!

Moonshine barrel

Moonshine barrel

Use the medicinal herbs

Your hero receives a +30% DMG buff until next camp!


  • 33% food x1 and gold or supplies x1
  • 33% blight
  • 22% nothing
  • 11% negative quirk

Mummified remains

Mummified remains

Use the bandage

You find gold or trinkets x2!


  • 40% gold or trinket x1
  • 40% blight
  • 20% nothing

Occult scrawlings

Occult scrawlings

Skip! Otherwise...

  • 33% positive quirk
  • 25% stress +25
  • 25% nothing
  • 17% negative quirk

Old tree

Old tree

Use the antivenom

You find any loot x3!


  • 50% any loot x2
  • 25% blight
  • 25% nothing

Plentiful bounty

Plentiful bounty

Nothing to use

All heroes in the party recover 65% HP!

Pile of bones

Pile of bones

Use the holy water

You find any loot x2!


  • 25% any loot x2
  • 25% disease
  • 25% negative quirk
  • 25% nothing

Pile of scrolls

Pile of scrolls

Use the torch

Your hero gets rid of a negative quirk!


  • 29% scouting
  • 29% nothing
  • 14% stress +15
  • 10% positive quirk
  • 5% negative quirk

Pile of strange bones

Strange bones

Use the bandage

You have a 50% chance to find any loot x1!


  • 50% bleed
  • 20% any loot x2
  • 20% disease
  • 20% nothing

Pristine fountain

Pristine fountain

Use the holy water

Your hero recovers 30 stress!


The hero recovers 20 stress

Rack of blades

Rack of blades

Use the bandage

You find gold or gems x2 and food x1!


  • 40% gold or gems x1 and food x1
  • 40% bleed
  • 20% nothing

Rotted fare

Rotted fare

Nothing to use

Your hero recovers 100 stress!

Sacrificial stone

Sacrificial stone

Skip! Otherwise...

  • 50% stress +50
  • 25% remove a negative quirk
  • 25% positive quirk



Skip! Otherwise...

  • 60% gold or heirlooms x2
  • 20% negative quirk
  • 20% nothing

Suit of armor

Suit of armor

Nothing to use

Your hero receives...

  • 75% buff +15% PROT and +10 dodge until next camp
  • 25% positive quirk

Ship's figurehead

Ship's figurehead

Nothing to use

Your hero receives...

  • 67% stress -25
  • 33% buff +20% DMG and +4 SPD

Shallow grave

Shallow grave

Use the shovel

You find gems or heirlooms x3!


  • 50% blight
  • 50% disease



Use the skeleton key

You find food x6 to x12, supplies and a trinket!


You find food x1, laudanum x1 and medicinal herbs x1

Traveler's tent

Traveler's tent

Skip! Otherwise...

  • 38% loot x8 and journal entry
  • 38% scouting
  • 13% stress +25
  • 13% nothing

Troubling effigy

Troubling effigy

Use the holy water

Your hero receives a random positive quirk!


  • 25% nothing
  • 19% positive quirk
  • 19% negative quirk
  • 19% bleed
  • 9% blight
  • 9% stress +15

Thronging hive

Thronging hive

Use the torch

You find any loot x3!


  • 75% loot x2
  • 25% bleed

Wine crate

Wine crate

Use the shovel or the antivenom

You find firewood or your hero recovers 30 stress!


  • 42% loot x5
  • 17% disease
  • 17% negative quirk
  • 8% bleed
  • 8% scouting
  • 8% nothing

Wizened shrew

Wizened shrew

Use the blood

You find any loot x3!


  • 50% scouting
  • 42% nothing
  • 8% disease



Nothing to use

You find...

  • 75% heirloom x1
  • 25% nothing

Discarded pack

Discarded pack

Nothing to use

You find...

  • 60% gold or gems x2, supplies x1 and a journal entry
  • 20% scouting
  • 20% nothing

Eldritch altar

Eldritch altar

Use the holy water

Your hero gets rid of a negative quirk!


  • 40% stress +25
  • 10% negative quirk
  • 50% nothing

Heirloom chest

Heirloom chest

Use the skeleton key

You find heirlooms x4!


  • 75% heirlooms x2
  • 13% bleed
  • 13% blight



Nothing to use

You find...

  • 75% gold x1
  • 25% nothing



Nothing to use

You find a torch!

Shambler altar

Shambler altar

Skip! Otherwise...

You can summon the shambler boss by using a torch!

Stack of books

Stack of books

Skip! Otherwise...

  • 22% stress +25
  • 22% positive quirk
  • 17% journal entry
  • 17% nothing
  • 11% negative quirk
  • 11% lower light

Unlocked strongbox

Unlocked strongbox

Skip! Otherwise...

  • 75% any loot x2
  • 25% blight